Sat, Dec 5 2009 - Summit Sunsets - Mount Yonah (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Tony C
Participants:Tony C, Jim, Tanja B, Ray R, gail, Ramon Ceniza, Charina, Roland H, Karen, Roe

Write Up:
There was some snow forecast for this morning, but we found no precipitation of any kind on the roads or the mountains or anywhere else...ok the slightest dusting right off the summit of Yonah but that's it.   We had a good sunset unusual sunset perhaps because of all the water vapor in the air.  The sun dropped behind some clouds but then just seemed to expand and turn bright red and took quite awhile to disappear below the horizon....tough to describe but you had to be there.    We figured out that if we watched the sunset from the southern overlook, we were out of the wind and in the direct felt warm there despite the temps in the upper 30s and we peeled off layers.   We also hiked to the eastern overlook and could see Rabun Bald in the distance.  However with the western views, Blood Mtn and Brasstown Bald were obscured by clouds all day....those clouds just sat there though and we had mostly blue skies overhead and for the sunset....glad we were able to get this hike in despite the questionable forecast earlier.