Tue, Sep 22 2020 - Roswells Vickery Creek, Covered Bridge, Bleau Family & Waterfall at 9:30AM (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Memphis Russ, Joyce T.
Participants:Lee W, Belinda, Gary 'L', Lynn O., Joyce T., Karen D, Francoise, Memphis Russ, Dave F, Jean

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The only thing about today's hike that wasn't perfect is our not getting a sighting of Bleau. Maybe the fisherman in the creek scared him away, or maybe it was too cold for him today . . . but it was a disappointment not to see him.

Our hike was fast but fun. We covered at least 6 miles, counting a few stops for water. But the group was up for it and stayed together well.

A public service film was being made at the covered bridge which will hopefully be out by January, promoting a new drug to prevent AIDS!

Thanks to Russ and Lee for their photo contributions to this album! ~ Joyce