Fri, Nov 6 2020 - Arabia Mountain Loop (View Original Event Details)
Trip Leader(s): |  |
Oscar, Richard A. Zalik
Participants: |  | Richard A. Zalik, Oscar, Miriam Milovan, Gerrilyn, Susan P, Gary 'L', Lynn O., Tom, Luisa Sztern |
| |
Write Up:Quite the hike exploring the stone terrain of the Arabia Mountain Heritage Area. Glorious skies, brisk wind, cool temps, and lots of conversation as we made our 7 mi. trek up and over the mountain, and interwinding through the quarry and around parts of the lake. This granite monadnock (think Stone Mountain) is a nice alternative to typical woodsy hikes and well worth a visit. (text and photos courtesy of Susan) You can see the photos in the AOC FaceBook Page.