Mon, Nov 9 2020 - Monday Morning at Henderson Park (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Joyce T.
Participants:Joyce T., HK, Gloria Colley, Dan C, Dave, David DeLorme, Gerrilyn, Dan Reed, Bobby, Diane

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Write Up:

It was wonderful to have an understanding group that tolerated wrong turns, retraced trails, a lost member (who was found), and waterfalls that weren't waterfalls. All the trails we hiked, the right ones and the ones which weren't, were beautiful. . .full of scenic views, pretty boulders, colorful trees, deep creek beds, and newly built boardwalks. As long as we got back to the correct parking lot in time (which we did), it didn't matter a bit.

Nice to see David D. and Diane K. (with her dog, Piper) after a long absence from hiking with the AOC. It's always uplifting to see old friends return to the trails with the club.

What a good sport Bobby was, daring to use the Pit Stop, knowing he was going to be featured in a photo on his way out! ~ Joyce