Tue, Dec 29 2020 - Roswell’s Vickery Creek, Covered Bridge, Bleau Family & Old Mill Waterfall (View Original Event Details)
A truly exceptional day in every way! A wonderful group of members gathered to celebrate Russ's 300th AOC event. Russ's goal is to catch up with me, but I'm determined to make it a challenging task!
Russ's Tuesday morning hikes are always enjoyable with friendly conversation, some challenging hills, a fast pace, and great photo opportunities. Unfortunately, Bleau was not one of the ones that considered today important enough to make an appearance. There's always next week!
While we were on the Roswell side of the dam, we spotted a dead deer across the creek, close to the water. We called in the sighting to Island Ford, but removing the deer would be challenging. We couldn't even spot it from the Vickery Creek side when we hiked down to the dam, due to the steep hill and the rock outcroppings.
After the hike, we shared some goodies (leftover Christmas treats, perhaps, but delicious nonetheless), before final congratulations to Russ on his milestone achievement. ~ Joyce
Russ's pictures are on his website: https://www.facebook.com/russ.steele.33