Wed, Jul 21 2021 - Powers Island & Cochran Shoals Interstate North (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Mike C
Participants:Mike C, Marie-Felixe, Gert S, Belinda, Warren, Nate P

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Write Up:

Amazingly we were able to start on time. I75 was backed up in all directions this morning. It was cloudy and had rained last night. We met at the Powers Island parking lot and walked over to Cochran Shoals to for the distance. We took the trail across the swamp zigzagged up and down the hills until we returned to the gravel road and stopped briefly at the Columns Drive parking lot. We returned to the Interstate North parking lot and crossed the river again. There we followed the trail from the northeast end of the Powers Island parking lot until it ended. I stopped about 100 feet before the end due to high water levels and returned by the trail following the river. We did not have any rain. The trails were in bad shaped from all the rain we have had over the last few days. The Poison Ivy was not as heavy as it was in May (I took pictures of the same tree). We saw more of it on the Powers Island trails than the Cochran Shoals trails. English Ivy is winning.

I would like to recognize Gert for joining us on her second hike and Warren on his ninth hike.
