Fri, Aug 6 2021 - Friday Afternoon at Vickery Creek - Starting at RIVERSIDE PARK (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Joyce T.
Participants:Joyce T., Amy E, SusanF, Ann C., Marie-Felixe, Sue M., David DeLorme, Bette, Becky D, Dan C, Peter, Jeff

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Write Up:

It was a worthy hike for two very special ladies on milestone events - - Amy E.'s 400th AOC event, and Sue M.'s 800th AOC event. They're good friends, so it was really special to have them both celebrate on the same hike.

It was fortunate to have some late withdrawals so that Jeff (Amy's special guy) could join us; and Peter has returned to the AOC after a hiatus of several years. And one more extra special treat was having Dan C. in shape enough to return to group hikes!

The temperature was in the mid-80's, but the late afternoon air and the light breeze made the shady hike very pleasant. Several of the members continued the celebration at Moxie Burger after the hike, joined by Eva and Anu.

The next centennial celebration takes place on Sue M.'s Tuesday afternoon hike! David D., is going to hit his 100th AOC event on that hike! It's taken him 9 years, but he's really proud to be hitting that first 100th! ~ Joyce