Sat, Jan 9 2010 - Summit GA's Highest Peaks: #5 - Blood Mountain (4458') (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Tony C, Stefan, Scott J
Participants:Scott J, Stefan, Jim, Kathy Malone, Caroline, Tanja B, Scott Campbell, Ray R, Katy Dennison, Andy, Tony C, gail, Brian Heard, Armin

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Write Up:
Wow was a super fun challenging, exhilarating hike with some beautiful snowy scenery.  It was mostly luck but we timed it perfectly getting up there just as the roads were cleared, but before the snow melted.  It was more winter wonderland goodness on the trail.  The top of Blood Mtn was covered with rime ice on the trees and some pretty deep snow...a few inches and higher in drifts.  Then coming down from the mtn on the west side, there was even more snow than the eastern side.  We went down the Lake Winfield Scott and it was mostly frozen over with a layer of snow on the surface...with great views of slaughter mtn and blood mtn in the distance.  This definitely lived up to its billing as a D5 hike and the chilly conditions made it even more strenuous.   We had some problems staying hydrated with our water freezing up,  but the scenery made the effort so worth it.   Pics posted soon will tell the rest of the story.


Tanja's Pics:

Caroline's Pics:

Jim's Pics: