Tue, Oct 26 2021 - Roswell Duo w/ Vickery Creek to Allenbrook Trail Loop-around (View Original Event Details)
Trip Leader(s): |  |
Memphis Russ, Joyce T.
Participants: |  | Memphis Russ, Michelle D, Bill S, Joyce T., Neil, Dan R, Suzanne, S Mohamed, Steve F, Paul Allen Heist, Barbara L., Jeff Gimpel, Stephanie W |
|  Click for Album |
Write Up:Those of us who have been on Russ's Tuesday morning hikes at Vickery Creek in the past know the "drill." The hike starts out very slowly as we scan the creek for Bleau and Russ takes his signature photos of the new folks at the "magic tree," the Covered Bridge, and the dam. But then, we make up for all of that time by keeping a killer pace for the rest of the hike despite the hills, rocks, and roots. New members are shocked by the transformation from Russ's laid-back persona to the pedal-to-the-medal, trail-burning, speed demon leader he morphs into for the majority of the hike. Brambles, thorns, spiders and mud didn't dissuade Russ from tackling the Allenbrook trail, ending in a death-defying climb up the cliff edge to the upper trail. Amazingly, the group stayed with him, determined to keep up with the White-Haired-Wonder! Russ timed the hike perfectly, getting us back to the Covered Bridge at 12:45, having covered over 7 miles of challenging trails. We were happy to welcome newbies to the Tuesday morning hike: Stephanie (on her very first AOC event), Paul, Barbara, and Susan. The only disappointing factor was not seeing Bleau today. (However, we did see an amazing sight between a member and a tree. Ask S.F. about it.) ~ Joyce