Mon, Jan 10 2022 - Roswells Vickery Creek, Covered Bridge, Bleau Family & Old Mill Waterfall (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Memphis Russ
Participants:Memphis Russ, Lee W, Richard Sims, Gerrilyn, Barbara L., Dawn B, Kian, Michelle D, Marie, Doug, Marlene, Jennifer W, Alison Rhodes

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Write Up:

We made a Beautiful Fast Trek at Vickery Creek – 6 miles in 2 hours!  You Trekkers are awesome!  Alison got her 1st ever look into Vickery’s Magic Tree Trunk.  I think she saw the Magic!  Sorry, no Bleau today.  However, Stella, possibly a little camera shy, brightened up the show & obviously my heart!  Thank everyone for making it a Fun – Fun Trek & Lee for adding to our photos!  Ya’ll hurry back real soon!
