Sat, Feb 5 2022 - Double Dam :: Buford Dam to Morgan Falls Dam FKT (View Original Event Details)
The gauges lie! We knew the levels were dropping, but a 530cfs at Buford was low and the flow (even though it said it increased to 2,500cfs by Roswell) just seemed to never really give us that downriver kick we were expecting. I left my long stealth boat at home - to better accompany William - so I paddled a Liquidlogic XP10 37 miles..what a beating. I felt good enough the next day to go up north an rip 6+ miles in some thundering that was the flow we needed Saturday LOL
Mike H - joined the club for this event and his keen eye saw the dropping levels and called it...but I have a confirmation that we will FKT that same route soon....until then, keep the paddles up!