Thu, Mar 17 2022 - Thursday Morning Semi-Fitness Hike at Island Ford (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Joyce T.
Participants:Joyce T., Memphis Russ, Michelle D, Suzanne, Belinda, Drew W, Lee W, Dave S, Steve F, regina k, Tracy, Richard Sims, Lynne, Dolores H, Mildred

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Write Up:

I love the enthusiasm of our Thursday morning regulars! We had a great showing of green - - some above and beyond! And we had treats brought by Mildred (date balls) and Regina (hamantaschen). We celebrated St. Patrick's Day well!

Unfortunately, yesterday's and last night's rain made the trails very mushy and mucky in places, but we were still able to get in 5.7 miles in just under 2 hours. Veteran hikers take things in stride so well, with no whining or complaining.

Dolores was first up the warm-up hill for the third week in a row! Well done, Dolores!

Some of us went to the NRT for lunch after the hike and enjoyed another hour of great company. You MUST ask Russ to tell you the story of Dave S. and the peanut shells. Funny, funny story. ~ Joyce