Sun, May 29 2022 - Johnson Ferry North (View Original Event Details)
Trip Leader(s): |  |
Participants: |  | Diana, Luz Maria, Joyce T., Shirley W, Lee W, Tom, Hannah, Gerrilyn, Aaron Lee, Annie, Drew W, Hope F, Lynda R., ZZ |
|  Click for Album |
Write Up:We got in about 5 miles this morning in two hours at Johnson Ferry North and hiked up
towards Hyde Farm. Nobody had any trouble with the six or seven Creek crossings. We
hiked over near the Morgan Falls Dam. Tons of yellow wildflowers few different varieties. a
few whites and purple mixed in. Hope and Annie have both been AWOL from the AOC and
I’m happy to announce that their first hike back was with me this morning. Looking forward to
seeing Hope and Annie on future hikes with me and the AOC. Have a wonderful Memorial
Day. Enjoy the photo album provided by Joyce T