Sun, Aug 21 2022 - Sunday Morning at Sope Creek (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Joyce T.
Participants:Joyce T., Marie-Felixe, Aaron Lee, Allan, Mike M, Lee W, Shirley W, David A, Dave, Joseph, Bette, Joel Banks, Paula Coplon

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Write Up:

Today was an example of why I usually wait till early morning to decide whether or not to cancel a hike. The prediction of rain last night was high - - over 50% chance. Even this morning, it looked as though we might get caught in some heavy rain. But as we hiked, conditions improved, so that we finished the hike in full sunshine! How grateful we all were!

Today was special! Paula, a long-time friend of Dan R.'s, had commented on a recent Facebook photo I took of Dan with the renegades. She mentioned that she'd like to hike. So I invited her to join the AOC, and she immediately registered and signed up for this morning's hike! How nice to meet a new friend who lives right in our East Cobb area!

We welcomed back Joel on today's hike. He hasn't hiked with us since 2019! So nice to see past friends returning to us.

Bette and David A. were each freshly back from out-of-town travels, and eager to get in a leg-warming event.

Thanks to Lee for his great photos, which have been added to the album. ~ Joyce