Thu, Nov 24 2022 - Thanksgiving Morning at Island Ford (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Joyce T.
Participants:Joyce T., Memphis Russ, Belinda, Robert, Paula Wang, Mike M, Greg Walling, Amy, Jennifer W, Tissa G, Chamar, Barbara, Barry, Gary 'L', Harley

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Write Up:

It's Thanksgiving Day, and I'm very grateful for the terrific hike we had today at Island Ford. There were lots of folks on the trails, including a renegade group from the AOC (led by David V.) plus DaveO and KimVo out for a hike.

We had a most interesting blend of AOC members today! Some I haven't seen for a long while (Jennifer, Barbara, Greg, Barry, and Mike Mc.), two newbies to the AOC (Tissa and Chamar), a relative newcomer to the AOC who has a host of Meetup friends (Robert B.), and a bunch of regulars (Gary, Amy, Russ, Harley, Paula, and Belinda). We kept up a healthy pace and covered 6 miles in a little over 2 hours - - lots of calories burned prior to our upcoming Thanksgiving feasts.

We have a lot to be thankful for today, and I am truly thankful for the wonderful AOC members who support my hikes. Happy Thanksgiving to all! ~ Joyce