Thu, Jan 5 2023 - FULL WOLF MOON Night Trotting - 8k+ (View Original Event Details)
What a great way to "RAP" up the trail runs at RAP this season under a full WOLF Moon. I had 3 new for me members on todays run - Thanks for joining us Mike, Natalie & Itohan!! Great meeting all of you and I hope to see you on my other events. A dozen of y'all made your way to Roswell to run, jog or super speed walk under a full moon and we were not alone...I had 37 flybys on STRAVA - most of which were the Gate City Runners- but we all know they're full of IPAs :P AOC is where it's at!
As I mentioned this is the last of the RAP runs for me...the days ARE getting a little longer (and personally I do not like running (or my attempt at running) at RAP) - so we're getting back in the DIRT! The VCQS 5k is already on the menu and while it's only 5k...don't underestimate will make you pay :) - yes I am a poet!
If ending this event so soon in 2023 bothers you - you should look in to becoming a Volunteer Trip Leader and you can host those events on your own terms - AOC is always looking for new TLs
But if you feel up to it here's the link to the VCQS 5k on JAN19 : A VICKERY CREEK TRAIL RUN v5.1k :: VCTR - Thu, Jan 19 2023 ( be sure to read that write up.
Until then - Cheers from