Tue, Jun 20 2023 - New River Gorge National Park (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Diana
Participants:Diana, Barbara, Pam, Bonnie R, Mark W, Sue

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New River Gorge National Park - six hikers, beautiful trails, well maintained, no sunshine but it made for pleasant hiking conditions (comfortable temps).  We hiked just over 30 miles in four days. Breathtaking views of the gorge which was often shrouded in fog.  West Virginia is COAL COUNTRY and we learned that the New River was heavily populated with mining towns.  Some of our group explored the remnants of the Kaymor Mine which was accessed by 800+ steps down towards the bottom of the gorge (and then we had to climb 800+ steps up). I would highly recommend this newest national park (it was upgraded recently from national river to national park).  If you visit try to speak with Ranger Grant at the visitor center - he was very helpful in recommending trails and knoweldgeable about area history.