Mon, Oct 30 2023 - A 7-mile hike at Mason Mill Park, Lullwater Preserve, and Hahn Woods (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Joyce B.
Participants:Mahsheed, Mike Mick, Joyce B., HK, Mary Reed, Dan Reed, Dawn B, Richard Sims, Alice LC

Write Up:

We were Chuck-less this morning as illness took him out of his second hike as a potential trip leader. He will be back! For today I lead the hearty group of hikers around the trails for both parks. I sort of, kind of followed Chuck's route, but threw in my own twists and turns. Hikers will need to sign up again to experience Chuck's version. Big welcome to Mike (his 2nd AOC event) and Alice on her first (and all the way from Augusta!). We hit just over seven miles just a wee bit shy of a 3 mph pace.

Joyce B.