Tue, Feb 13 2024 - Mulberry Creek, Chattahoochee, Morgan Falls Dam, and Hyde Farm (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Drew W
Participants:Drew W, Deanna, Barbara L., Ed, Marina, Bonnie R, Lynda R., Eva

Write Up:

We had a fun group of 8 on our hike at Hyde Farm and Morgan Falls Dam. The group was really flexible when we were unable to cross Mulberry Creek because all the rocks were under fast flowing water. Eva, who hikes there often, said it was the highest water level she had ever seen there. We went to my Plan B alternate route which ended up being a little less than the planned mileage, but still got in almost 5 miles with 460 feet of elevation. Everyone was very good natured about the new route and I think we all had a good time.