Sat, Apr 20 2024 - 7 mile hike at Arabia Mountain (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Chuck M
Participants:Deema, Kathleen R, Kian, Pat, Mike C, Kirsten, Chuck M, Joan Kraft, Adele D, Irina D, Safa, Agnes Hee, Peggy, Ed

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Write Up:

What a great group we had for this morning's hike at Arabia Mountain! Among our 14 hikers we welcomed 5 who recently joined AOC. Ed had his 3rd AOC hike, but brings deep hiking and backpacking experience. Safa and Adele were on their 3rd and 4th AOC hike and Kirsten and Kathleen their 10th and 12th! A big welcome to these new members.

We got to see a wide variety of hiking environments, from exposed rock to pine forest to hardwood forest, former farmlands, and a beautiful cascading creek! Each time I do this hike I try to cut out a little more of the paved path, and I think it's down to about one mile out of seven. The group was very patient with me as I looked for a "shortcut" through the woods (not quite a success) and led them through a path that appears long abandoned. A very nice hike in great weather.
