Mon, May 20 2024 - Monday Morning at Sope Creek (Paper Mill Entrance) (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Joyce T.
Participants:Suzanne, Rocky M, Linda H, Allan, Barbara, Luisa Sztern, Evy, Dave S, Lyn S, Gloria Colley, Lee W, Shirley W, Fran, Claudia, Joyce T.

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Write Up:

What a great group we had today! We were all in the parking lot early, so we had plenty of time to talk and take a photo before leaving for the trails. No newbies today, so it was like a big family reunion.

The trails were nice and dry, for the most part, though on some of the biking trails, deep ruts still had some standing water, and we had a few muddy spots. Hardly worth mentioning. Directional signs for biking and hiking had us take a counter-clockwise direction, so we headed for the Cochran Shoals unit and did a big loop there before returning to Sope Creek to complete our big loop there.

Thanks to Rocky for the group picture and to Lee for the photos he added to the album! ~ Joyce