Sat, Jun 1 2024 - Back After 7 Years; Sweetwater Creek State Park at Night! (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Mike C, Joyce T.
Participants:Mike C, Joyce T., Jeff, Jennifer C, Ross Herman, Gerrilyn, Lianne White, Mike A, Kim R, Sabine, Aimee, Jay L, Marcy, Lee, Randall

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Write Up:

It was a great evening for hiking. It was cloudy and the temperature was in the mid 70’s. We did introductions at the Parking Lot. Where I introduced Adrain. She followed the Yellow Trail north pasted the bridge, turned around and followed the white trail back to the Visitor Center in a clockwise direction. We stopped at numerous places for Adrain to explain the flora, fauna, geology, or history of where we were standing. The surprise to some of our new members was how technical the White Trail is after it meets the Red Trail past the mill and the climb up to Jack’s Lake

I would like to thank Jennifer for joining us on her first hike, Jeff for joining us on his third hike, Ross and Aimee for joining us on their fourth, and Kim for her tenth hike. Thanks to the rest of the group for making them feel welcome.

Mike’s Facebook Link:

Joyce’s Facebook Link:

One last note. There are no night pictures because I forgot to charge the phone before going on the hike. As it got dark, I remembered, the phone was at 19% charge. The phone was down to 5% battery when I turned off the GPS tracker and at 0% when I got to the car. Lesson learned for next time.

Mike C