Wed, May 22 2024 - Going with the Flow to the Dam (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Horhay
Participants:Horhay, Kelly, BillM, William S., Joel, Olesja

Write Up:

Whatta great evening on the river! Full moon, calm winds, partly cloudy (no extreme glare), and a great crew (one new member (Bill) joined in last night (Kelly and Olesja might not be new members..but they were for my kayak it)). We got to try out that 3rd row seating in the Sasquatch and honestly...I might be able to get a 7th or 8th paddler in there (as long as I use the roof rack basket for gear)! 

SYOTR, Horhay!

crew 5.22.24


crew 5.22.24


crew 5.22.24


crew 5.22.24


crew 5.22.24

