Fri, May 31 2024 - Mt. Sterling-Great Smoky Mountain National Park (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Michael Johnson
Participants:Michael Johnson, Nikita, Candy, Fay, Chuck R, Bob Bunner, Nahid, Jim Farmer

Write Up:

Great trip as usual up to Mt. Sterling!

Started out great with everyone meeting on time at Big Creek campground, followed with a couple of group photo's over the Big Creek foot bridge. As we headed up the Baxter Creek trail, in the lush forest, following along the rushing waters of Big Creek, everyone took note of healthy and thriving forest. Full of the largest, healthiest rishi mushrooms I've seen anywhere.

We had a bear encounter, near the water source, found salamanders crawling for cover, and enjoyed each others company around the campfire. We had all sorts of changing weather up there, but everyone was prepared so we had no problems. We even had some edible flowers artfully presented with some hors d'oeuvres, foraged and prepared by Niki. What a treat. Always so pretty, I'm hesitant to eat it, at least until I've taken a picture.

Thanks for joining! You made me glad I posted this trip. The first backpacking trip I've led for the AOC in a couple years. You make me want to lead more again.

Cheers, Michael