Tue, Jun 11 2024 - Mulberry Creek, Chattahoochee, Morgan Falls Dam, and Hyde Farm (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Drew W
Participants:Drew W, Barbara, Allan, Christina, Evelyn, Joyce T., Marina, Lee W, Jennifer H., Jan T

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Write Up:

We had a great group of 10 hikers for today's hike at Mulberry Creek/Hyde farm.  The weather was a perfect sunny day, while we spent most of the time in the shady woods with an occasional breeze.  Our group was made up of strong hikers, so we kept a consistent pace except when I stopped to jibber jabber about a plant from time to time. We cut off the last part of the hike because the field was overgrown, but we still managed almost 5.5 miles, with 400 feet of elevation in just over 2 hours. All in all, it was a fun hike.

A special thanks to Joyce and Lee for the photos.