Fri, Jun 14 2024 - Last Minute Johnson Ferry North to Mulberry Creek & Morgan Falls (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Mike C
Participants:Mike C, Jan T, Marina, Karen, PaulaB

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Write Up:

The temperature was in the mid-80s as we started. Overall, a great day for hiking. Due to work being done by the Colonial Pipeline Company various trails are still closed. We met Ranger Dave Thomas in the parking lot as we did introductions. He explained to us why there were piles of material in the parking lot. He said they should be removed in the next couple of weeks. We started at Johnson Ferry North, hiked up Mulberry Creek to Hyde Farm. We stopped, took a quick break and headed for Morgan Falls for a view of the dam. From there we headed back to the parking lot until we hit the closed trail sign, we then followed the road back to the trail and the parking lot. We thought we saw a muskrat in the river while we were looking at the dam. It was moving too fast for any of us to get a picture. We did see a snake under a pipe as we crossed the concrete bridges as we returned to the parking lot.

Thanks to Paula for joining us on her ninth hike.

