Tue, Jul 9 2024 - Mulberry Creek, Chattahoochee, Morgan Falls Dam, and Hyde Farm (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Drew W
Participants:Drew W, Joyce T., Dawn B, Suzanne, Gloria Colley, Lee W, Debra, Doug, Teresa Libbey, Jan T

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Write Up:

We had a fun, but muggy, hike at Mulberry Creek this morning.  I was lucky to have 9 hikers who were determined to have fun. We covered about 5.4 miles with a little under 400 feet of elevation in about 2 hours 20 minutes including some extra water breaks because of the humidity. We had 16 creek crossings with a couple of nice hills thrown in to boot. I promised everyone we would stop at the blackberry bushes near the end of the hike, and that kept us going.  Alas, the bushes were there, but there were very few berries.  I may have lost a little credibility.  

I  have been unable to add my photos to facebook for some reason, so a big thank you to Joyce and Lee for the attached I did it! Here is the link to my pictures.