Fri, Jul 19 2024 - Jones Bridge Handle and Loop (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Mike C
Participants:Mike C, Joy, Gloria Colley, Fran, Karen, Peggy, Doug, Barbara, Elizabeth, Drew W, Kym, Jill B, Sarah Wilkins, Cynthia, Mangesh Honwad

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Write Up:

It didn’t rain! What we did get was a beautiful view of the Chattahoochee with mist rising from the surface. To our pleasant surprise it did not burn off and was still there at the end of the hike. Starting from the parking lot we headed upriver and looped around. We then followed the river toward the end of the park, we did another loop around the Educational Center enjoying the view of the lake north of the park. We did a loop at this end, the southern end, and we returned to the parking lot by the way we came going around the north loop a second time.

Thanks to Jill, Sarah, and Cynthia for joining us on their first hike and Mangesh for joining us on his second hike.
