Tue, Jul 16 2024 - Bowmans Island (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Drew W
Participants:Drew W, Dawn B, Barbara L., Jennifer H., Barb, Gloria Colley, Lynn C, George B, Art Hagar, Dolores H, Mike C, Karen

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Write Up:

We had a real fun hike at Bowmans Island this morning.  There were 12 hikers who kept a steady pace for 6.3 miles with 430 feet of elevation and averaging a pace of 2.7 mph.  The weather was about 5 degrees cooler than predicted, which helped the pace. There was plenty of talking and laughing, so I'm pretty sure everyone had a good time.

We welcomed two new members, Art H and Lynn C,  to their first AOC hike. I hope this was the first of many hikes as an AOC member.

Press the button at top right for some photos.

Thanks to everyone for coming. 

See you next time,
