Thu, Jul 18 2024 - Mulberry Creek (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Mark
Participants:Mark, Luz Maria, Dolores H, Trish, Joy, Neil, Jennifer W, Harold

Write Up:

Thanks to Jennifer and the others that reminded me where all the turns were on this route. I ran AllTrails and now have the route posted to this same event for next week. 

As expected, we saw very few other people and our early start helped us avoid much of the heat. We saw a couple of deer in 2 different locations. They were under cover and well hidden, but just a little movement gave them away. I saw one GoldFinch that flew away before anyone else saw it.

Challenges on this hike were the steep banks on creek crossings. There was only one creek bank that really required extra care in stepping down. The other challenge is at the end of the hike with a long climb up the last hill to Hyde Farm. We let everyone set their own pace up the hill and used this climb to bring our heart rates up just before wrapping up the hike. 

My Apple Watch had the hike at 5.75 miles though we were trying to follow a 6 mile route. Later I looked at my AllTrails trail record and found the hike to be exactly 6.0 miles according to AllTrails, so the hike was 6 miles after all. 

We averaged 19 minutes 19 seconds per mile and the event lasted 2 hours.

Here are our spllits.

Miles.      Pace.      Elev. gain

1.0        18:37       0 ft
2.0        20:00       13 ft
3.0.       19:12       16 ft
4.0        20:25.      141 ft
5.0        18:48       39 ft
6.0        18:58       194 ft