Sat, Aug 7 2010 - Jacks River Falls (View Original Event Details)
Trip Leader(s): |  |
Michael Johnson, Bob Bunner
Participants: |  | Bob Bunner, Michael Johnson, Kristi, Pete Sadel, Sammy, Ross Davis, Alicia, Steve W, Adam, Carla, Helena F, Debbie H |
|  Click for Album |
Write Up:Jacks River falls is a great natural treasure and it takes on added significance in the summer by providing the best natural swimming hole in the southeast. We had a great group show up at the carpool location early so we could have more fun in the sun at the falls. After we drove through some heavy fog, we got started on our trek to the falls and twenty some river crossings. The sun came out for a glorious day. When we reached the falls, many of us simply enjoyed the pool to cool off or lay on the warm rocks in the afternoon sun. Steve showed us how it's done by making headfirst dives into the pool. Adam and Mike jumped in as well. Alicia gave us a comical moment as she tried to negotiate down the little falls above the pool. Bob showed us he didn't need sunscreen as demonstrated by the nice sunburn on his shoulders and back. Carla was out, and I mean out, as she lay on the rocks. We had a fun time at dinner as everyone demonstrated their unique culinary expertise, including Michael, who showed us he really can boil a hot dog, er, an Italian Sausage. After dinner, Ross made us a small fire as we traded stories that culminated in an engaging game of truth or lie. Most of us were called out as we attempted to stretch the truth (I call it resume building). Only Alicia told a convincing lie that made us all believe she once worked as a flight attendant. In the morning, Bob and Sammie made a return visit to the falls before everyone packed out (and almost left without Sammie). Carla proved her feet were only human and unfortunately for her, terribly susceptible to blisters. It was a long steady ascent, but we all made it out in a very good time. I always hate leaving the falls, but it's never too far away for a return visit.