Tue, Jul 27 2010 - Stone Mountain sunset, moonrise, and fireworks hike (View Original Event Details)
Trip Leader(s): |  |
Tony C
Participants: |  | Tony C, Lorri, Christy Dyer, Angela, Alison W., Michelle S., Phyllis Melton, Rick, Laura, Chintan, Tara S, Chad Moon, Garret, Lisa Maldonado, Jaime |
|  Click for Album |
Write Up:This turned out to be such a fun event. The forecast was for PM T-Storms and while it did storm some to the south, we stayed dry the entire time with mostly clear skies and then some great clouds to enhance the sunset. We had a sunset that lasted forever..went on for 15 or 20 min of color changes after the sun dropped right behind the edge of Little Kennesaw mtn in the distance. Then we enjoyed the fading light and moved over to to the east side of the mtn to watch for the moonrise and enjoy the lasershow fireworks. Some clouds on the horizon obscured the moon from our view but we did enjoy the fireworks and the moon finally rose above the cloud cover to make a very impressive, if slightly delayed, appearance.
Main Pics:
http://tonycicc.smugmug.com/GA/MetroATL/s/13112147_R3PhD/Jim's pics: