Sat, Sep 28 2024 - Double Dam :: Buford Dam to Morgan Falls Dam FKT (View Original Event Details)
Double Dam did not disappoint yesterday, however what did disappoint was the dropping water levels, and no FKT. The water was swift and pushy near GA20 class II and rec boaters would have been swallowed without a sealed I am glad a made some hard decisions because of secions like that - there was a handful of them.
On that note...I plan on talking with my ACA/GRN contacts for Rec Boater safety classes and L4 Swiftwater Rescue certification courses...If we even get enough folks, maybe we can get our own private AOC training. Keep an eye out for that in the near future.
STRAVA DATA: Join STRAVA if you have not already, it's free, you can link it to your Garmin and even save other peoples routes for future outings...including rock climbing, hiking, running, and Beyond!
for those who don't have it yet:
36.14 miles at 5.1 miles per hour avg, 7h38m (yuck) was not an FKT - but it was not the slowest we've ever completed the DD