Tue, Dec 31 2024 - Morning New Years Eve Cochran Shoals Interstate North (View Original Event Details)
As expected, the parking lot was filling up quickly. After we did introductions, mentioned Rocky’s 500th event, and took a moment to remember President Jimmy Carter for creating this park in 1978. Without him creating this park none of our CRNRA hikes would be possible. We followed the gravel road going in a counterclockwise direction until we got back to where we started, We then turned around and did the same hike in a clockwise direction until we returned to the parking lot.
After the hike we found a picnic table and finished celebrating Rocky’s achievement. This is a Mike rock in the picture not a Joyce rock. I’m not an artist, I’m a photographer.
Special thanks to Michelle for joining us on her first hike and Patricia for joining us on her third hike.
We also found out about Libby’s new book “Living to Die A Memoir”.