Fri, Feb 14 2025 - Friday Afternoon at Sope Creek (Paper Mill Entrance) (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Joyce T.
Participants:Joyce T., Jennifer W, Neil, Dan R, Gloria Colley, Savon Johnson, Lee W, Shirley W, Marilyn Arkin, Anu Seam, Leigh B, Mary Reed, Mike C, Dan Reed, Allison T

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Write Up:

Today was Valentine's Day, and the weather cooperated, providing us with clear skies, cool temperatures, and mostly dry trails. Since everyone in the group had already seen the ruins, we headed straight to the Cochran Shoals unit, hitting the cemetery from two directions. Our pace was a comfortable pace (about 2.5 mph average), and we were able to get in just shy of 5 miles.

We were happy to see Allison after several years, and delighted to meet Mary and Dan Reed's new dog, Shilah.

Conversation was music to my ears throughout the hike - - a sign of good company and a pace that left enough air for both breathing and talking.

Everyone on the hike got a little Valentine rock as a memento of the day.

Lee took a lot of great photos which have been added to the album. ~ Joyce