Tue, Mar 4 2025 - Jones Bridge CRNRA (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Drew W
Participants:Drew W, Mike C, Tom, Lee W, Barbara, Gloria Colley, Fran, Barbara L., Cathy T, Sunnie, Bonnie R, Memphis Russ, Beth G, Marina

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Write Up:

We had a great group of 14 hikers at Jones Bridge CRNRA this morning. We maintained a moderate, but consistent pace to cover 5.7 miles in just over 2 hours. The weather could not have been much better, even if we did get sprinkled on for a few minutes with about a mile to go. We were serenaded by the construction machines across the river, but I think everyone had a good time.  

Thank you to Mike for sending me the link to his great photos of the hike.  View them by clicking on the album above.