Sat, Jan 29 2011 - Arkaquah Trail to Brasstown Bald (View Original Event Details)
Trip Leader(s): |  |
Michael Johnson
Participants: |  | Michael Johnson, Kristi, Steve, Evan J. Hunter Sr., ben t, Tatiana, Marc F, Andy Altman, Scott Kozlowski, Pavan |
| |
Write Up:We had absolutely beautiful weather for our hike yesterday, after missing a turn onto Town Creek School Road, since the east side road sign didn't say Town Creek School Road, turning around, seeing the road sign on the west side did say Town Creek School Road, then getting to a T-intersection with no road sign, thinking we may have missed another turn, but to make short story long, we got back on track finally after talking to a local.
I updated the itinerary directions for future trips so it'll be a lot harder to go astray. For Pawan, I used google maps to compare the route you suggested, and it added 10 miles and 15 minutes to the route you suggested going through Cleveland, so I didn't bother changing the route.
So once we got going, we blasted up 1500' to the top of Roost Ride at our own pace. Then we enjoyed following the gorgeous ridge eastward looking over the valley's to both the north and south, and of course the eastern ridge with occasional peaks of the Brasstown Bald tower in the distance. As we approached Chimney Top, our path took us from spring to winter as we dipped onto the shadowy north side of the razorback ridge. Our pace immediately slowed as we picked our way carefully across the slippery trail, conscience of the steep drop down the north side of the ridge.
Then the lead party stopped. There was a frozen sheet of ice, which resembled a frozen waterfall, instead of a path, with a cliff on both sides. Once again the party regrouped, and helped each other up the frozen waterfall after some discussion on the best route to take.
Once we got past that, it was smooth sailing along the ridge, as we entered spring like conditions once again on the sunny south side of the ridge. When we got to the top of Brasstown Bald, we were famished and each of us huddled on the leeward side of the wall, and ate hungrily, not bothering much to look at the view, with the exception of a few peaks over the wall, chomping on our food. Once we finished eating, we did our duty and walked around the wall a little looking in each direction at the gorgeous ridges, before heading back down. Hey, that wind was cold up there.
As most of you know, going down frozen sheets of ice, is a lot harder than going up. We took around 30 minutes navigating and helping each other down that slippery course, wishing we had crampons, ropes and head gear. It was dangerous going, but nobody got hurt. Once we got off that north side ridge and onto the south side ridge, our pace again picked up, and some decided to run down the path. The last section, going down 1500' from Roost Ridge seemed to take forever. This is the 2nd time I've done this hike, and both times, I was amazed at the difference between walking up that ridge, and going down it. It's like entering the Twilight Zone, and you've been transported to a different path, going against all logic, since you know you're on the right path, yet you feel like you're not.
We got back into our cars, and started on our long winding road back to civilization, all thinking it couldn't come soon enough, because lunch was long gone. To make matters worse, the first two places we stopped for food, couldn't accommodate our group. We finally made it to Johnny's Pizza and gorged on great food and drank large glasses of water. As we laughed and ate, and enjoyed each others company, the families beside us surreptitiously glanced in our direction, wondering if we ever bathed or combed our hair. But we happily gulped down our food and water without a care in the world, tipped our great waitress handsomely, and headed home.
Thanks everyone for joining me. It was a great day, and I hoped you enjoyed it as much as I did.
If you have any pictures to share, since I unfortunately decided not to take my own camera this time, it would be much appreciated, and I'll post the link to this trip...I'm talking to you Evan.