Mon, Sep 19 2011 - City of Decatur - An Urban Hike (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Ann, Ralph Howard
Participants:Hope, Warren Rudert, Meredith, MollyM, Stacey Johnson, Aaron Lee, Ann, Ralph Howard, Sharon Alaimo, Tom, Elaine, Whitney N, Caitlin Stark

Write Up:
We had a larger group than we normally take on this hike since we planned for this to be our last Decatur hike this year. Ann lead us down Ponce to Glendale Ave, then through Glenlake Park into the Decatur Cemetary where we spent some time in the old part of the cemetary before returning to Glenlake Park. We walked around the park but didn't stop to take a spin on the playground equipment because there were several children and parents on the playground. We returned to the cemetary for another loop before heading down Church Street onto the Great Lakes streets. We weaved our way to the Decatur Square where the hike officially ended. Most everyone joined Ralph at the Brick Store for food and bererages out on the sidewalk. We left in shifts to return to the Marta station. Everyone seemed to enjoy the variety of unique homes along the hike as well as each other's company.

Below is a map of our hike.

View Decatur City Hike 9-19-11 in a larger map