Sat, Apr 28 2012 - Red Top Mountain Night Hike (View Original Event Details)
Trip Leader(s): |  |
Lauren, Joyce T.
Participants: |  | Lauren, Joyce T., Kelli H, Sheila C, Tom N, Shirley N, Beth Ash, Sunae, Randy, Felix, Susan B, Jason, Martin |
|  Click for Album |
Write Up:It was dark. It was late. It was AWESOME! A terrific group to share the night with at Red Top Mountain: Lauren J., Joyce T., Kelli H., Shirley N., Tom N., Randy H., Martin M., Jason P., Felix M., Sunae K., Susan B. Sheila C., and Beth A. Poor Kelli sprained her ankle. (Hope it's better soon, Kelli!) but she wrapped it and finished the hike in good spirits. Many requests to do another night hike!
Okay, okay . . . the real photos are now up. Lauren and Joyce just love to play . . .
We truly had a great evening, not finishing the hike till after midnight. The waning moon was bright, the skies were clear, and the stars the radient. Except for Kelli's ankle sprain, it was a perfect evening on the trails.