Sun, Apr 8 2012 - A Second Sawnee Mountain Hike (View Original Event Details)
Trip Leader(s): | |
Pepsi L, Joyce T.
Participants: | | Joyce T., Stacey, Joe, Pepsi L, Ralph Howard, Ann, Chris H, Tatiana, Sandra a.k.a (Hellraiser), jasmine, Steven K, Eva, Ayo |
| Click for Album |
Write Up:Not a bad turn out for a second hike on the same day. It got much warmer the second go round but the trail was well shaded. As we got closer to the top the breeze was even more amazing. The view from the up top was breath taking! Thank you all for joining us on this Easter Sunday. Joyce had a special treat for everyone that came out.
Pepsi wrote the above write-up. This is just an additional note from me (Joye) to say Congratulations, Pepsi, on your 3rd co-lead. You have the makings of a TERRIFIC Trip Leader. I think you earned your star!