Sat, Aug 11 2012 - Sunset Hike & Perseid Meteor Shower at Mason Mill Park (View Original Event Details)
Trip Leader(s): | |
Charlie Cottingham
Participants: | | Charlie Cottingham, Mark, Armin, Brigitte, Jessica Chappell |
| |
Write Up:We five - Jessica, Armin, Brigitte, Mark and Charlie - had a memorable evening together and declare Armin the winner of our "Perseids Olympiad" since he was lucky enough to catch nice views of 4 or 5 bright meteors - also he was sharp-eyed enough to spot several satellites slowly moving across the sky and point them out with our shared laser pointer. Jessica & Mark were close Perseid runners up with 2 or 3 each. We observed the meteors by simply lying down together on the high Mason Mill Park train-track boardwalk and staring up at the clear dark sky. The weather couldn't have been more perfect for it. Saturn and Mars put on a nice show setting in the west above the sun - a nice compact triangle with the bright star Spica in Virgo. I look forward to some more nice skygazing this evening during Hakeem's AOC Stone Mtn sunset hike! -Posted by Charlie, Aug 12, 2012