Sat, Sep 29 2007 - Mt. Sterling Backpacking Trip (View Original Event Details)
Trip Leader(s): |  |
Bob Bunner
Participants: |  | Bob Bunner, Michael Johnson, Kristi, Rob Williams, Woody, Jon Miner, Rob Garner, Gary Hubert |
|  Click for Album |
Write Up:Wow! We had an awesome backpacking weekend. The ascent of Mt. Sterling is as
challenging as any 6 mile hike you'll ever find and everybody made it. The weather was
probably around 70 at 5800 feet in the afternoon and dropped pretty quickly when the sun
went down. Speaking of sunsets, nothing like it from atop the fire tower. We celebrated Rob
Williams' 29th birthday (again) with a card, some snacks and various forms of hooch that
people brought. During the night, some of us were kept up by the moon light (is it morning
already?), gophers burrowing up their ass, or the wind howling above the trees. And then the
next morning, the sun exploded over the horizon, warming things up, but never making us
uncomfortable. After we hiked down and some of us took baths, we were off to Asheville and
a beer pub that also had good pizza. It was quite a weekend!