Fri, May 31 2013 - After Work Friday Afternoon at Island Ford (View Original Event Details)
Trip Leader(s): |  |
Marion, Joyce T.
Participants: |  | Joyce T., Marion, SusanF, Diane, Sunae, Mark, Alison Rhodes, john everly, Toni, Arvind, DennisC, Niv H., Emily R, Cathy K |
|  Click for Album |
Write Up:A well-matched group of 14 gathered at Island Ford for Marion's second co-lead as she worked toward fulfilling the requirements for becoming an AOC trip leader. She did a great job and got a round of applause when the group reached the parking lot following the 5.2 mile trek. We encountered a patch of serious mud on the lollipop loop, causing Cathy to slip; fortunately, she was just muddied but not injured. We saw two of the bunnies that were dropped off at the unit last week. They seem to be very happy in their new wild home. (Animal Rescue decided they didn't need to be captured.)