Sat, Nov 23 2013 - Big Scaly Mountain Loop Winter Backpack (View Original Event Details)
Trip Leader(s): |  |
Kristi, Michael Johnson
Participants: |  | Amanda B., Scott Kozlowski, Kristi, Michael Johnson, Armin, Matthew Ballard |
| |
Write Up:What a great backpacking weekend. We had to contend with some wet, but no rain weather on our hike on Saturday, and decreasing temperatures with increasing wind gusts that challenged the mind and body. This is a beautiful, rugged area of the southern Nantahala Forest - an area that elicits growing respect for its beauty the more that it is hiked and experienced.
We cleared a bit of the forest floor of its downed dead wood for a camp fire that allowed us some warmth and comfort as the temperatures plummeted to 14 degrees F on Saturday night. Our sunset hike to the overlook of Big Scaly was great; we tramped a bit off trail and timed it perfectly for a spectacular colorful display of the retreating sun and dispersing cloud formations. We remained until we saw the first star in the sky. The hike back to the campsite through the dark was fun. Good food and drink were enjoyed back at the campsite, most notably Amanda's dark chocolate stout, Scott's roasted poblano peppers, Armin's sardines and oysters, and Michael's post hike beers.
Sunday morning's hike out started rather late but by then the temperatures had risen a bit, there was sun providing a bit of warmth and we were no longer needing to stand by the fire to be keep the fingers and toes unfrozen.
Great group and good conversation. Thanks to all who were okay with the dire weather predictions, came prepared to have fun, and did. (Kristi, Nov 25, 2013)