Thu, Apr 17 2014 - GA LOOP Duncan Ridge Trail + Appalachian Trail (58miles in 3 days) (View Original Event Details)
Trip Leader(s): |  |
Myra Kincaid, Matthew Ballard
Participants: |  | Matthew Ballard, Myra Kincaid, patricia s |
|  Click for Album |
Write Up:The group started out Thursday at 6:30, hiking five miles in to Gooch Gap Shelter, where they enjoyed the warm campfire and company of several aspiring through-hikers. Going down to the bear cables after dark, they discovered some fearless flying-squirrels raiding the food bags. The adventurers all elected to sleep with their food. The team hiked from Gooch Gap to the Toccoa the next day, stopping for lunch at the beautiful Long Falls. It was a cool overcast day with drizzle in the afternoon. The camping alongside the Toccoa River was glorious. Saturday was a severely strenuous 20-mile day with nearly continuous ups and downs. The group finished the Benton Mackaye with two long climbs and then completed the first two thirds of the roller coaster hike along the Duncan Ridge, stopping to camp at WhiteOak stomp. The weather for the entire day remained damp and overcast, though the sun did attempt to peak out a couple of times. On Sunday, the team finished the hike with an "easy" 14 mile section, completing the Duncan Ridge trail and hiking back down the AT to Woody Gap. The sun finally came out for this last day, and the hikers finished out the trip with sunbathing on at Big Ceder Mtn Overlook and an epic pig out at a local Mexican restaurant.