Fri, Feb 7 2014 - Murphey Candler Park Nature Trail (View Original Event Details)
Trip Leader(s): |  |
Libby G
Participants: |  | Libby G, Joann G, HK, Jenna H., Stan, Merrilee H, howard, Michael M, Jim P, No longer in the South, Ron Nichols, Joyce T., Lisa L, Jean, Wolfgang |
|  Click for Album |
Write Up:Welcome Lisa and Jim with your first AOC event. Welcome back to Ron. What a
delightful group of 15 hikers today. We were lucky enough to see several deer who
clustered together as we tried to not scare them but we did. Joyce tried to get some
close-up photos but they were shy. The sun is staying up a bit later now which allowed
us to finish right at sunset.