Thu, Aug 14 2014 - Thursday Morning Hike at Island Ford (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Divya N, Joyce T.
Participants:Joyce T., Michael M, Doug, Mike C, Cathy K, Elliott Server, Arvind, Dave, Adrienne, David Moreland, Divya N, Jemcy S, Mike G, Milena

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Write Up:

The hike was terrific - - until we stirred up an aggressive bunch of yellow jackets on the trail. Our hike turned into a trail run as we tried to evade the swarm. Poor Divya, who was sweeping, got the worst of it - - with 10 stings!

Congratulations to Doug on his 100th AOC event! A fine accompllishment!

Welcome to two brand new AOC members - - Elliott S. and Mike G.  We hope to see more of you on the trails!

Joyce T.