Thu, Sep 18 2014 - Thursday Morning Hike at Island Ford (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Divya N, Joyce T.
Participants:Joyce T., Dave, Heidi W., Mike C, Joel Banks, Elliott Server, Michael M, Suzanne, Hilary, Doug, Divya N, Adrienne, Bruce P, John M, Tomme, Won Kim, mimi, Dan A

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Write Up:

We had a very large group today, which apparently displeased a nest of yellow jackets on a trail which never before was a problem. We had several stings, with one of our group needing emergency rescue help. (He knew he was allergic but didn't have an epi-pen with him.)  After treatment in a local hospital, all is well.

Island Ford shall heretofore be named Yellow Jacket Alley: today was the third Thursday hike with members getting stung. Beware!  ~ Joyce