Thu, Sep 18 2014 - Early Evening Hike at new Frazier-Rowe Park near Emory (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Charlie Cottingham
Participants:Charlie Cottingham, Eva, Gloria, Janelle, Aaron, Jennifer S, No longer in the South

Write Up:

We had a fine together with almost perfect weather!  In retrospect the hike could have been been billed as a "Multi-Sport Hiking, Swinging, Exercising, Swimming, Book Borrowing & Scavenger Hunt"! :-)  We paused briefly at various spots along the way to enjoy:
1. S
winging on both a wide park swing and a hanging rope swing,
2. W
orking out on the "ab exercise benches," etc. in the park,
3. Running through the spray of lawn sprinklers,
4. Choosing books of interest at "free books birdhouses," and
5. Availing ourselves of nice cookware that was put out on the street at one of the homes we walked by!
Thanks to Aaron for sharing some cool photos that he took during the hike!
-Submitted by Charlie Friday night