Mon, Jan 19 2015 - East Palisades (Whitewater Creek Entrance) (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Divya N, Joyce T.
Participants:Divya N, Joyce T., Carolyn Naser, Bobby Marie, Kathleen, Dave S, Cathy K, Tatiana, mike hirschmann, Michelle D, Dave, Alex, Sharon Pathak, Lisa Maldonado, Bill Lohmeyer

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Write Up:

Divya had a pair of fleet feet on the hike today as we covered 6 miles at East Palisades, including FOUR long climbs.  We felt well exercised when we returned to our cars, and grateful to have been able to enjoy this beautiful day of sunshine and unusually mild temperatures.  We welcomed our newest member, Alex, who we'll hopefully see a great deal more of on the trails (when school isn't in session). It was great seeing so many old friends today, too!  ~  Joyce